The Luteal Phase – a time to slow down, unwind, nurture, nourish, detoxify and reconnect to yourself.

Our Nutritionist in Residence program welcomes leaders in the industry to bring their science-backed knowledge to the DIGEST, while acting as ambassadors for the effectiveness of our wellness blends. Our Autumn Nutritionist in Residence, Tayla Lovering, explores Autumn as the equivalent to our luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Our yearly seasons are so closely intertwined with the health of a Menstruating women as the phases resemble almost perfectly to each season. For example, Summer is a time of doing, exploring, high energy, socialising and fun, much like the Ovulatory Phase of a Woman’s Cycle where we are innately more energised, keen to socialise and can generally feel more care-free and willing to participate.  

In this article though, I want to shine a particular light on Autumn and its relationship to the Luteal Phase of the Reproductive Cycle.

Autumn as a season is a time where we naturally become more drawn to slowing down, listening to our bodies, nourishing ourselves with warmer foods as the cooler days set in and it’s historically seen as a time for preparing for the winter ahead.

If we relate these qualities to a Woman’s Cycle, your Luteal Phase (Autumn Phase) is a time where we naturally have lowered energy, our bodies are shifting gears after Ovulation (summer) and we need to prepare our bodies to inevitably Menstruate (winter) within the next 2 weeks. It’s a gradual progression but an important one that we need to learn to listen to and respect so that Menstruation can be as supported as possible.  

A healthy and supported Luteal Phase can include an increased appetite, dry/thick/ tacky cervical mucus, a natural desire to slow down with sustained energy and emotional fluidity (hormones are fluctuating quite a lot during this time so we need to give our bodies grace and the ability to express ourselves).

Some signs our Luteal Phase needs some attention include significant pre-menstrual tension or pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms, a Luteal Phase that lasts less than 10 days (we ideally want it around 2 weeks), migraines, breast tenderness, poor sleep quality and quantity, significant fluid retention and irritable bowel symptoms.

Key aspects to the preparation side of the Luteal Phase is to ‘build blood’ or in other words, support iron levels in the body ready for your Menstrual Bleed, along with nourishing your Adrenal and Nervous System function, supporting detoxification through the Liver and Bowels from excess hormones circulating and encouraging Lymphatic flow to avoid fluid retention.

I’ve compiled a list of foods to include and activities to indulge in during your next Luteal Phase. It might also be nice to include these tools in your last month of Autumn to gently prepare yourself for winter – this also includes soaking up the last of the Vitamin D while you can!


Slow cooker meats
Nettle Tea
Beef Spleen or Liver powder
Dark leafy greens
Bone broth


Dry Skin Brushing
Calendula Tea
Keep moving in ways that feel good
Infrared Saunas
Hydrating with filtered water and Electrolytes cue LAND Marine Coconut (Hydration) Powder
Pelvic massage
Full body massage (nows the time!)
Omega 3 Fats

Detoxification through Liver + Bowels:

3 fibre rich meals daily
Chew your food and eat mindfully
Dandelion Root Tea
Lemon Juice before meals cue LAND Daily Lemon (Ritual) Powder
Limit/ avoid Alcohol
Raw Carrots
Cruciferous vegetables
Reduce chemical exposure


Listen to hunger cues
Whole Food diet
Supplement with Magnesium Citrate or Glycinate
Complex Carbohydrates
Put your feet on the earth
Nature immersion
Long hot baths
Long Walks