One of those women that make beautiful table styling look effortless, you'd be hard-pressed not to be stopped on your scroll when an image created by Zoe pops up on your feed. Zoe is at the helm of her own event styling & catering business, Undressed Tablescapes. With a penchant for recipe development & a love for nourishing foods, Zoe talks finding balance, daily rituals, & her favourite coffee haunts in Melbourne {cue the note taking}... 

Image by @jesskearney_

Tell us, where are you from & what does your everyday look like?

Born in Southport, a seaside town in Merseyside England, I recently moved to Melbourne from Byron Bay. I’ve also lived in Adelaide, Sydney and London.

My everyday is varied; some days are spent at my kitchen table, developing and researching recipes. Other days I’ll be writing menus for special catering events, or styling shoots. Pretty much without fail, my day will include a morning coffee with my partner, Richard and a walk around our vibrant new neighbourhood, Fitzroy, in Melbourne’s north. Some of our favourite early morning haunts are Standing Room, Industry Beans & Blonde.

We want to know more about Undressed, tell us how it came to life and what do you offer?

Undressed came to life during COVID, when I created hampers brimming with fresh produce and recipes for my friends to cook when they were in lockdown. For each recipe I included my own ‘undressed’ sauce free from gluten, refined sugar and dairy. This then took the form of a Produce Store, which I opened to the public from my home in Bangalow, offering the meal kits, sauces, homemade granola & sweets.

Today, it is a culmination of my two great loves – the way food looks, and the way it tastes. To me, food is about rejoicing, not restricting, and the Undressed table is designed so that everyone is nourished. I offer recipe development, content creation, food & event styling, and private catering... that’s keeping me pretty busy for now, but eventually I would love to release my own line of sauces and salad dressings – hence, the name, Undressed!

How do you manage to balance business, life & health?

It’s definitely a challenge. Because my work involves so much cooking, I often find I prepare lavish meals for other people and forget to nourish myself. I am conscious of it however, so I always try to carve out time to stop, sit and eat a proper meal.

I also find moving my body hugely positive for mental health, so I make time for a Pilates class most mornings. I read a passage in Clementine Ford’s book Fight Like a Girl years ago that I’ve carried with me ever since, and think of it often when looking for balance; ‘Find something your body likes to do and let your body do it. It might be swimming. It might be running. It might be lying on the grass and feeling a hundred different green blades tickle your skin. It might be standing in front of your mirror and dancing just for yourself. Let your body do it...”

Reading this was an eye opening moment for me. Exercise isn’t a punishment or chore, it’s a time to rejoice in your beautiful, capable body and allow it the time and care it deserves.

What are your non-negotiable morning rituals?

Coffee! Occasionally my partner will bring me one in bed, which really is a luxury only afforded to weekends (and when he’s feeling particularly generous). Recently I’ve made a very conscious effort to not look at my phone first thing. Instead I’ll read a few pages of my book, chat to Rich about our crazy dreams, or go for a little walk before I delve into technology. It’s made a huge difference to my mental wellbeing.

And what would be your favourite breakfast recipe to start the day?

My breakfast rotation usual follows; Granola, Porridge or Overnight Oats with seasonal fruits, coconut yoghurt and almond butter or tahini. Or a green smoothie. I also love simple scrambled eggs served on buttery rye bread with Maldon sea salt and black pepper. Maybe some chives if I’m feeling fancy.


And finally, how do you use LAND in your rituals?

I love to enjoy my RISE RITUAL in tall glass of ice-cold water before I sit down to breakfast. It’s wonderful for digestion, and reminds me to drink water and stay hydrated throughout the day. I’ve also been experimenting with LAND in recipes, and have been adding it to my favourite Lemon & Olive Oil cake, delicious! Recipe coming soon. 

Follow Undressed Tablescapes here

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