As advocates for the regular use of an infrared sauna, we discovered the beautiful Zadig Studio in Newcastle, NSW, and immediately felt at home. With private sauna rooms, complete with a rainfall style shower & a calming playlist, Zadig is a sanctuary of rest and reset. You can find our LAND Essentials products in-studio, for the power duo of sweat & sip. We got to know the daily rituals of founder, Priscilla, as she talks wellness, mornings & the benefits of regular sauna practice... 

Hi Priscilla, we are thrilled to have you on the LAND Digest. Tell us, where are you from, where you live and what does your everyday life look like? 

Thank you for having me on the LAND Digest! I grew up in the South West of France (in Basque Country) and decided to travel to Australia at the age of twenty. Six and a half years later, I am living in beautiful Port Stephens with my partner and our dog Ziggy. 

My everyday life is quite busy and revolves around Zadig Studio, the first infrared sauna studio in Newcastle NSW, that we just opened one year ago. 

I am working at the studio five or six days per week and look after our accounting, marketing and our employees to make sure our little city sanctuary is running as smoothly as possible.

What inspired you to open Zadig Studio? 

Back in France I used to love going to day spas, hammam and traditional saunas. I’ve always loved the relaxed feeling afterwards but the high temperatures of the traditional saunas were quite challenging for me. I then came across infrared sauna therapy about 3-4 years ago in Australia and absolutely fell in love with it. An all-in-one therapy that can support detoxification, muscle relief, stress relief, sleep, skin health and much more. 

I could see infrared sauna studios opening in big cities such as Sydney and Melbourne and with a service so versatile I was wondering why there was none in Newcastle.

So after many hours of research, spreadsheets and sweat (not the relaxing type haha), my partner and I decided to open Zadig Studio, a modern sanctuary for detoxification, relaxation and self-care. A safe space in busy King Street, Newcastle, to provide our guests with an opportunity to escape the business of life and allow their body to release, heal and renew, one infrared session at a time.

And your plans for the studio? Where do you see the studio going in 2022? 

We have recently added a cold therapy room with a 6-degrees bath. Clients can now come to Zadig and experience the benefits of contrast therapy. 

And your morning rituals, tell us how you start each day? 

On weekdays, my morning ritual is very simple and minimal as I have less than 30 minutes to get ready. I wake up at 5:15am, go straight to the bathroom to scrape my tongue with my copper tongue scraper to remove bad bacteria, brush my teeth, wash my face with icy water and apply moisturiser. I drink a big glass of water, get changed and en route to Zadig, where we open at 7am.

I much prefer a slow morning on the weekends, to unwind from the busy week. I still like to wake up relatively early, around 7am which kind of feels like a sleep in! I love going on big walks in the bay or at the beach with my partner and our dog, grabbing a warm drink on the way (chai lattes are my favourite) and having a nice homemade breakfast at home or catching up with some friends. 

What are your non-negotiable wellness routines that shape your overall health? 

My wellness routine is quite simple but essential:

- Sleeping for at least 7 hours - I wish I could say 8hrs but we are not quite there yet. Sleep is my superpower. For as long as I can remember I have always loved sleeping, it keeps me focused during the day and helps my immune system stay strong. 

- Drinking plenty of water - if I don’t drink enough I am certain to have headaches, breakouts and flaky skin.

- Never going to bed with make up on and moisturising my face morning and night. 

- Nurturing my mental health via movement , I always feel amazing after a pilates class, a big walk and jumping into an infrared sauna at least once or twice a week.

How do you use your LAND Essentials Lemon Juice Powder? 

I love drinking LAND Essentials Lemon Juice Powder warm in the morning as soon as I arrive at Zadig. I like to add in a slice of ginger or pink himalayan salt. 

I also drink it cold throughout the day, and sometimes with coconut water for extra electrolytes, perfect for a sauna or pilates session! 

Share with us the benefits of a regular infrared sauna practice? 

Incorporating infrared sauna therapy in your routine can:

- Improve blood flow and circulation
- Help detoxification
- Reduce fatigue & stress
- Improve mood
- Relieve joint pain & sore muscles
- Boost metabolism
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis
- Help manage autoimmune conditions. 

And the benefits of adding an ice-bath to your wellness routine? 

Cold immersion therapy can offer similar benefits to infrared sauna therapy, though these benefits are achieved in opposite ways.

Adding an ice bath after an infrared sauna session can:
- Increase blood flow
- Increase energy levels
- Strengthen immune function
- Elevate and improve your mood, attention & mental function
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve sleep
- Improve discipline

Share with us your favourite accompaniments to a sauna? 

  1. A dry body brush : to promote lymphatic drainage, stimulate blood flow and smooths skin’s surface 
  2. A yummy drink that encourages you to drink a lot. My go-to is Land Essentials lemon juice powder mixed up with water and himalayan salt. Coconut water is great as well. 
  3. A Gua sha to massage your face and relieve the tension as well improving skin elasticity.
  4. One of our Zadig playlists, saved on each iPad in our saunas for extra relaxation, or fun, depending on your mood. 

Shop LAND Essentials in-studio with ZADIG in Newcastle, NSW. 

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